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API Reference

This API reference provides detailed information about the main classes, methods, and types in the BeL2 SDK.

ZKP Module

The ZKP module is the main entry point for the SDK's functionality.


create(txId: string, chainId: number | bigint, provider?: Web3Provider): Promise<TransactionVerification>

Creates a new TransactionVerification instance.

  • txId: The Bitcoin transaction ID to verify.
  • chainId: The EVM chain ID where the verification will be performed.
  • provider (optional): A custom Web3Provider. If not provided, a default provider will be used.

Returns: A Promise that resolves to a TransactionVerification instance.

submitVerificationRequest(signer: JsonRpcSigner | Wallet, scriptHex?: string, waitForResult = false): Promise<string>

Submits a verification request for the Bitcoin transaction.

  • signer: The EVM signer to use for the transaction.
  • scriptHex (optional): A script hex to ensure that a script output matches transaction outputs.
  • waitForResult (optional): Whether to wait for the result of the verification request.

Returns: A Promise that resolves to the transaction hash of the verification request.

checkStatus(): Promise<void>

Checks the current status of the verification request and updates the status$ observable.

Returns: A Promise that resolves when the status check is complete.

isSubmitted(): boolean

Checks if a verification request has already been submitted for this transaction.

Returns: true if a request has been submitted, false otherwise.

status$: BehaviorSubject<TransactionVerificationStatus>

An observable that emits the current status of the verification request.


An enum representing the possible states of a verification request:

  • Unknown: Status hasn't been retrieved yet
    • NotSubmitted: Transaction has never been submitted for ZKP verification
    • Pending: Transaction has been submitted for ZKP verification to the ZKP contract, but proof generation has not been handled or completed yet
    • Verified: Transaction proof has been successfully created and is ready to be checked from EVM smart contracts
    • VerificationFailed: Failure during verification

Utility Types


Represents a JSON-RPC signer from the Ethers.js library.


Represents a Web3 provider from the Ethers.js library.

Error Handling

The SDK uses standard JavaScript error handling. Most asynchronous methods can throw errors, which should be caught and handled appropriately in your application.


try {
const response = await verification.submitVerificationRequest(signer);
console.log("Verification request submitted:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error submitting verification request:", error);
// Handle the error appropriately

Best Practices

  1. Always check if a verification request has already been submitted using isSubmitted() before calling submitVerificationRequest().
  2. Use the status$ observable to react to status changes in real-time.
  3. Implement proper error handling for all SDK method calls.
  4. When using the SDK in a browser environment, ensure that the user has connected their wallet before attempting to submit a verification request.

For more detailed examples and use cases, refer to the other sections of the documentation:

If you encounter any issues or have questions about using the API, please consult the Troubleshooting guide or reach out to our support team.